Tuesday, October 11, 2005

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not? (Mt 22:15-21)

They were supporters of Herod the Great and his family. They favored collaboration with the romans. If Jesus took the position of not paying taxes, they would report him to the Romans.

They were against Roman occupation, but opted for peaceful means. The zealots on the other hand, opted for violent means. Simon the zealot became an apostle of Jesus. People in general resented Roman occupation. If he took the position of paying taxes, he would antagonize them. Either way Jesus answered, he would be a loser.

This was the coin used to pay the census tax. It bore the portrait of Tiberus and bore the inscription: Tiberius Caesar, Son of the Divine Augustus. By possessing the denarius, the Herodians and the disciples of the Pharisees accepted the fact of Roman occupation, though grudgingly, and its benefits and thus, also the duty of taxation. But they are also to give to God what belongs to God, something which they have failed to do, as the two previous parables have shown (parable of the vineyard and parable of the wedding feast).


It is the virtue by which we give to everyone what is due to him (what he has a right to).

Duties to self

Preserving one's health, developing our minds, our character, our talents. We do not only have the duty of earning a living but also making our life worth living. We have the highest duty of saving our souls.

Duties to others.

Spouses have the duties of fidelity, support, companionship, forgiveness and understanding.

Parents have the duty of providing their children food, clothing, shelter, love, education and training.

For citizens, JFK said it so beautifully: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.

We have the duty to know, love and serve God. Sunday Mass is something we owe him. Obedience to his commandments is another.

Final thought

Everyone seems to be conscious of their rights. But how many are as aware and as concerned about his duties. Perhaps our country would be in better shape if we were more conscientious about fulfilling our duties.

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