Monday, October 03, 2005

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.
The king is God. The king's son is the messiah.

He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast.
The servants are the prophets and the apostles. The guests are the Jews.

The king was enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city.
The destruction of Jeruslem is meant here.

Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.
The new guests from the streets are the sinners and the gentiles.

He saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment.
The wedding garment was clean and white clothing.
Last Sunday's parable and this Sunday's parable are to be understood in the same way. God chose Israel first but the Jews did not respond with obedience and faith. The Jews were punished and God's choice passes on to others.

The parable of the wedding garment teaches that it is not enough to be a member of the church. One must be clothed with faith and good works.
Sunday Mass - God's Feast for His Children

A grandmother died at 81. At 78 she had a stroke. After recovering, relatives told his grandson, "She doesn't have to go to Mass anymore." Overhearing them, the old woman remarked: "I never went to church because I HAD to."

When will the time come when everyone will join Sunday Mass not because they have to, but becasue they want to?

Only when we have learned to love God from the heart.

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