Monday, July 21, 2008


The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.
Mt 13:44-52

There are three parables about the reign of God in this Sunday's gospel.

* The parable of the buried treasure
* The parable of the pearl
* The parable of the net

The parables of the buried treasure and the pearl challenge the hearers of Jesus to accept God's reign even at the cost of giving up certain things in life because of its surpassing value. This giving up (sacrifice) is done with joy precisely because God's reign is worth it.

The parable of the net is similar to the parable of the wheat and the weeds. It poses two challenges. The first challenge is directed at a particular belief about the reign of God. Some christians believe that church members should all have achieved holiness. That sinners have no place there. But Jesus realistically asserts that not all who accept God's reign has achieved holiness. Some are still struggling. Some are still on the way. These have a place in God's reign.

The second challenge is directed at members of the Christian community who are not taking to heart the commitment of metanoia (change of heart leading to a change in life). God wants all men to be saved. But there is also such a thing as judgment. The good will be rewarded. The unrepentant will be punished.

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