Saturday, April 22, 2006

Second Sunday of Easter (B)

On the evening of that first day of the week...Jesus came and stood in their midst. (Jn 20:19-31)

When did this event take place?
The time of this event was on the evening of the day when Jesus rose from the dead.

Why were they together?
The reason for being together in the upper room was fear for their lives.

Why did John mention the detail of the room being locked?
To show that the body of Jesus has been transformed by the resurrection and being so, can no longer be hindered by matter. He can now therefore pass through walls.

Why did Jesus show his wounds?
The Resurrection somehow changed the appearance of Jesus. Mary Magdalene when she first saw him thought he was the gardener. The wounds would identify him as truly Jesus.

Why were the apostles so happy?
Wouldn't you also be filled with joy if someone you love died but later was revived?

Why did Jesus breathe on his disciples?
In Hebrew the word for spirit is also the word for breath. His action affirmed his words: Receive the Holy Spirit.

Why did Jesus give them the Holy Spirit?
In order to give them the power to forgive the sins of their fellowmen.

Take note that in St. John Pentecost did not take place 50 days after the Passion but on the same day as Easter. So did the Ascension. That was why Jesus can now send the Holy Spirit from the Father. And with the sending of the Holy Spirit believers can now become children of God through Baptism.

Furthermore the Apostles to whom Jesus gave the Spirit for the forgiveness of sins were unfaithful to Jesus. They abandoned Jesus in his darkest hour. Yet Jesus gave them this power. Therefore, the objection of "why confess to priests when they are also sinners" do not hold water.

Why was the forgiveness of sins the first gift of the Risen Lord to his Church?
Because the reason why Jesus died was to save humanity from their sins. In the sacrament of confession, Jesus again and again grants to us the forgiveness of our sins.

Why did John tell the story of the doubt of Thomas?
First, in order to show that the Resurrection was not an invention of the apostles.

Second, in order to let Christians of the future hear the words of Jesus which was so appropriate for them: Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe.

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