Sunday, November 13, 2005

Christ the King

CHRIST THE KING (Mt 25:31-46)


The scene is the Last Judgment at the end of the world. Jesus appears as a glorious King.

In the Jewish judgment stories, gentiles seldom appear. And when they do, it is to be punished. But in this case, gentiles like Jews are to be judged fairly.

In Palestine, goats and sheep are mixed. But at night they are separated because goats need to be kept warn.

Sheep are often used to symbolize christians.

Those who are on the right are welcomed into the kingdom because of works of fraternal charity ( corporal works of mercy).

The ones on the left are condemned--not for any evil they did, but for the good that they did not do. We sin not only when we do wrong, but when we also fail to do good.


God sees you. St. John Bosco used to put these words on poster for his boys to see. Why? To keep them from sinning.

We can never hide from God. We can never keep secrets from God. Criminals may get away with it. Crimes may remain unpunished. But with God those who deserve punishment will be punished.

But as God sses us when we do wrong in thought, word or deed, so also God sees us when we do right in thought, word or deed. And these will not go unrewarded.

Sometimes we are misinterpreted or judged unfairly. It is because people can not read into our thoughts. But God can. He will see the good intentions and the good will in our hears. Therefore, God will judge us mercifully.

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