Monday, July 18, 2011


The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.
Mt 13:44-46

The parables of the hidden treasure and of the fine pearl form a pair. It is possible that originally Jesus related them one after the other and were preserved as is by tradition. Both parables speak of the joy of the disciples.

v. 44. The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Hiding valuables in the ground was normal in Palestine especially in times of invasion. If the owner were killed or died before he recovered his property, it would remain until someone found it.

The man who found the treasure must have been poor because he had to sell everything he has to buy the field.

The disciples have also found a treasure because they have found the King who is to reign and they have been adopted as his brothers.The King is hidden at present, and their secret is at present covered up – no one else knows what they know. They are leaving everything to follow him, but without any complaint.

We find Jesus speaking about treasure in heaven in two other places. The message is the same.

The disciples were told in 6:19ff to lay up treasure for themselves in heaven, that is, to look to God for their reward, and not to men. Their treasure is to inherit the earth, and to share God’s rule over it; but it is given to those who are poor and meek (5:3.5).

Later on in the gospel, Jesus will invite the young man to sell all (in so doing, he will have treasure in heaven) and then follow him (19:21).

vv. 45-46. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.

The second parable as we have seen forms a pair with the first one. As in other pairs, the characters are contrasted. In the first parable, the main character was a poor man. Here it is a rich merchant. Still he must sell all to have enough money to buy this exceptionally valuable pearl. The first man found the treasure by chance. The second found the pearl after a diligent search. The disciples are to see to it that the claims of the Kingdom are total. Enlightened self-interest dictates a total response.

Pearls were, with gold, the most valuable things in the ancient world and even sometimes more in demand than gold.

In 7:6 pearls were mentioned and as here they stand for the Kingdom of Heaven.

1 comment:

muebles ourense said...

This cannot have effect in actual fact, that is what I think.