When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem.
Mt 2:1-12

The Great. He deserved the title. He was the only king who was able to bring peace and order in Palestine. He was the builder of the Temple in Jerusalem.
He could be compassionate. During the famine of 25 BC he melted his golden plate so as to be able to buy corn for the starving people.
But he could be savage. He murdered his wife and her mother. He had 3 of his sons assasinated. Near death he had distinguished citizens of Jerusalem arrested on trumped up charges. He ordered that at his death, they would be executed. Why? So that at his death, tears would be shed, even if it were not for him. We should not be surprised therefore at the killing of the Holy Innocents.
Wise Men
Or magi. Or astrologers. Pantas. No number is given. But since there were three gifts, it was assumed that they were three. They even have names and the gifts were assigned to each: Melchor (old man) (gold), Gaspar (young man) (frankincense) and Baltazar (black complexion) (myrrh).
They are called astrologers because they studied the heavens not for science (otherwise, they would be called astronomers) but because of the the belief that the stars could foretell the future.
They are Medes and recognized as belonging to a priestly tribe in the empire of Persia. They were like the Levites in Israel.
Tala. The star was moving that is why some were of the opinion that the star of Bethlehem was either a comet or the result of the conjunction of planets.
The parol symbolizes that star of Bethlehem.
When you go down to the crypt of the Church of the Nativity, you will find there a big silver star on the floor. That star is in memory of the star that guided the Magi.
Naligalig. Herod was disturbed because the child represented a threat to his throne. Jerusalem was disturbed because they knew Herod would not take that threat sitting down. Something unpleasant was bound to happen. It did with the slaughter of the innocents.
The prophecy was made by the prophet Micah.
Lihim. Herod was planning murder and he didn’t want the people to get wind of it.
There is no longer any mention of a stable. Perhaps, the census was over and people left and so now there was place for them.
Adored. They recognized God’s presence in the baby.
Gold for the King. Frankincense (insenso) for God. Myrrh (mapait na inumin) for suffering; or (for embalming) for death.
Panag-inip. God communicates through dreams. God through an angel communicated to Joseph in a dream to take Mary as his wife, that is, go through with the wedding. Later God again in a dream commanded him through an angel to escape to Egypt with Mary and Jesus.
This Solemnity is commonly called Three Kings. But this is incorrect. For two reasons. First, they are not kings. And second, this is not about the magi. It is about Jesus.
The correct name is Epiphany = manifestation = pagpapakita. In this solemnity Jesus manifested himself as the Savior also of the Gentiles, represented by the magi. In other words, Jesus is the savior of all, Jews and Gentiles alike.
This is not only the instance when Jesus manifested himself. There is a second instance. His baptism. In that event, the Father proclaimed Jesus as: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him.”
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