Friday, May 06, 2005

The Church in the Creed. Chapel on the Hill, Batulao - 5

The Church is One, and the bonds of Unity are Faith and
Love. Heresy violates the former, and schism the latter.

Heretics violate the unity of the Church by holding to beliefs or practices
that are incompatible with the Gospel that the Church has been
commissioned to proclaim, so that the Church cannot include them in
her fellowship without compromising, diluting, or denying the Gospel

Schismatics violate the unity of the Church by requiring
from others, as a condition of fellowship, assent to doctrines or
practices that are not an essential part of the Gospel (though they
may be compatible with it).

We ought therefore to ask ourselves:
  • "Have I sinned against faith by denying or failing to uphold doctrines essential to the message of the Gospel?
  • Have I sinned against love by requiring as a condition of Christian fellowshipagreement with me on matters where Christians may differ and still remain Christians?"

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