The sign says that Jesus is the King of the Jews. He is the King not only for the Jews but for everyone. His throne is the heart of people. And therefore, he can not be your King unless you open your heart to him.
There is a painting entitled, “Christ, the Light of the World.” There is a story behind this painting. When the painter finished the painting, his son examined it. After a while the son turned to the father and said, “You forgot something, Dad.” “What is it?” And the son re-plied, “You forgot to paint the door knob.” The father smiled and said, “No, son. I did not. You see the door symbolizes the human heart. Jesus can not open it and enter our hearts. We have to open it for him.” Jesus can not be King over us unless we willingly put our faith in him.
What is it that made the Good Thief ask Jesus to allow him to enter his King-dom? In other words, what made him give his faith to Jesus? I think that the behavior of Jesus on the cross touched him and made him think. In other words, the good example of Jesus opened the eyes of the Good Thief and made him see Jesus as coming from God. Here we see the power of good example. That is why parents are reminded that it is not enough to talk to your children about "magandang asal". They also need to see you practising magandang asal. Also remember that when you brought your children to be baptized, you accepted the responsibility of raising them in the faith. That means you have to talk to your children about the Christian life and they also have to see you living the Christian life.
When Jesus promised heaven to Dimas, the Good Thief, what he was actually doing was saving him. When Jesus saves us, he opens the door of heaven to us. What can we learn from this? First, no one is so bad that he can not change. Second, anyone can be saved, no matter how bad he has been. God will always give us the opportunity to be repent and be saved at the last moment of our life. Why? Because God is good. The only thing asked of us is to acknowledge our sins and to ask Jesus to open the doors of heaven for us.
Two additional things. First, perhaps it is more accurate to call Dimas the Repentant Thief rather than the Good Thief. Second, the name of the unrepentant thief was Hestas. Both of them were thieves. The only difference was that Dimas repented. Peter and Judas were both disloyal to Jesus. The only difference was that Peter repented, while Judas despaired of ever being forgiven.
Soldiers offered wine to Jesus. We should see this as an act of kindness. No one is so bad that there is nothing good in him. Why were they there? Were they guarding Jesus and the two thieves? Of course not! Jesus and the thieves can not run away. They were probably protecting Jesus from the leaders of the people and their supporters. Parents protect their children from sickness. But also protect them from bad companions. I have seen how good boys become bad because they became involved with bad barkada. I suppose it’s the same with the girls.
You need to tell you children how to spot bad barkada. You need to warn them about the consequences of bad barkada. There is one advise that I read and would like to share it with you. Let your children know that their friends are welcome at home. That way you can get to know your children’s friends and spot those who might be BI (bad influence).
These people are called “Uzi’s” (usisero). They are curious onlookers. When there is heavy traffic at the SLEX (South Luzon Expressway), there’s probably an accident or a car has stalled. Even if the car is already on the shoulder, there’s still heavy traffic. Why? Because cars slow down to look at what happened. I do not know if it will work here but in the Philippines try to stop and look up. In no time many people will also stop and look up. Usiseros are merely curious onlookers. They are not involved.
It is possible to be usiseros at Mass. We can be present but uninvolved. To be involved means to be physically and mentally present. We listen. We respond. We sing. We sit, stand and kneel. Nakiki-isa tayo.
The rulers were sneering at Jesus. Mga alaskador sila. What do you do with people who behave like them? Once upon a time there were two monks. As they were walking, a man started to hurl insults at them. The older monk remained un-perturbed. But the young monk was red in the face. When they were already far away, the young monk asked the older monk why he remained unaffected. The older monk took a stone and gave it to the younger monk. The younger monk took it. The older monk then said to the younger monk, “You were red in the face be-cause you accepted the insults of that man. I was not affected because I refused to accept his insults.” Perhaps, our lives will be more peaceful if we stop accepting the bad things people say to us or about us.
Next week we shall begin the new year of the church with the first Sunday of Advent. While this Sunday invites us to welcome Jesus as King of our Hearts, the Sundays of Advent will invite us to give to the Baby Jesus a place in our hearts. Remember that in the first Christmas, Jesus had to be born in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Let this Christmas be different. Let him find welcoming hearts.
The Salesians of Don Bosco is a religious congregation of priests and brothers dedicated to the welfare of the young. If you feel called by God to give your life for the good of the young, you may want help in discovering if this is really God's will for you. Please get in touch with the Vocation Director (Don Bosco North Province, Philippines) - 0917-7930112 - finvoc@yahoo.com - Bro. MON CALLO SDB.